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If you’re getting your roof done and you want to know “Do Roofers clean gutters?”, then this will tell you everything you need to know…

Let’s get straight to it…

Do Roofers clean gutters?

That would be a firm no…

Roofers do roofs, that’s it…

Gutter cleaning is a completely different service to roofing…

Now that’s not to say that a roofer won’t clean your gutter but it won’t be part of the roof work he’s doing for you…

You’d have to pay extra for that one…

But in my experience, most roofers don’t like to clean gutters…

Even if you pay them extra they still won’t do it…

Roofers won’t clean gutters because they don’t have the equipment to clean gutters…

You know, the gigantic vacuum cleaner and all that jazz…

And if they clean by hand, it can be extremely tough on the body…

Plus above all of that…

It’s a muddy job that roofers hate doing…

That’s why they’re roofers and not gutter cleaners…

And you shouldn’t expect a roofer to clean your gutters…

Because he doesn’t specialise in cleaning gutters, what would take me 2 hours would take a roofer 5 to 6 hours…

His time would be better spent doing roofs and not cleaning gutters…

Make sense?


At this point, it would be wrong of me not to make a suggestion…

The thing is, if you need a small roof repair and your gutters cleaned, then maybe you should give me a call…

You see, I’m an ex-plumber who now cleans gutters…

What this means is that I have the skills and knowledge to also do small roof repairs…

So I guess in a way, your roofer (Me) would also clean your gutters (Also me)…

The only thing is, you need to be on the Mornington Peninsula to use my gutter cleaning service

If you have dirty gutters and you’re getting your roof done here’s what you need to do…

Before you get the roofer in to do your roof, call a gutter cleaner…

It’s really important to get your gutters cleaned first…

The reason is, the roofer won’t clean your gutters and the work he does will actually fill your gutters up more…

If you’re getting any sort of roof clean and restoration, the roofer will pressure wash your roof and all that gunk will be caught by your gutters…

But if your gutters are full, all that gunk will spill out over the side of the gutters and cover the side of your house…

This mess can be really hard to get off…

It might even take a professional to chemically treat and wash the side of your house…

So that’s why I recommend getting your gutters cleaned before the roofer comes in…

But you have to remember one thing…

The work the Roofer does will fill your gutters and he won’t clean them…

I’ve worked with roofers in the past and their roof restoration process never includes cleaning gutters…

So you should always get a gutter cleaner in after the roofer is finished as well…

I work with a roofer who specialises in roof restorations and he’ll call me in to clean before he starts his restoration…

Could you imagine the gunk that would spill over if your gutters are like this?

A roofer won’t clean this gutter
A roofer won’t clean this gutter

Oh right…

You don’t know what comes off your roof during a restoration do you?

Check this out…

This is from a gutter cleaning in Mornington

Roofers fill gutters with this mess
Roofers fill gutters

This is some vile black gunk that smells putrid…

Believe me, I know…

I clean this lovely little mess up after the roofer has finished…

And it’s about an inch thick sitting in the bottom of your gutters after the roofer has done what he does…

You’re welcome by the way…

The wrap up…

So there you have it…  

Roofers most certainly do not clean gutters…

And I’d think you wouldn’t really want them to…

You know, if you wanted them cleaned properly that is…

When I clean your gutters, I always take before and after pictures…

You want to get some proof that the job has been done properly

That’s why you’d be best off getting a gutter cleaner to do it

But most roofers can put you onto a gutter cleaner…

They do this all the time…

And like I said, in most cases, you’ll need to get your gutters cleaned before and after you get your roof done…

Or you could just hope the roofer will clean your gutters and end up with clogged gutters

Either way, don’t blame the roofer, it’s not his job…

That’s it from me…

